Chinese Checkers Multiplayer – an online game by Poet Software ANS

Go here for the Chinese Checkers Singleplayer app!

A Windows app from Microsoft Store!

Click the image to the left to go to the Chinese Checkers Multiplayer page at Microsoft Store.

With Chinese Checkers Multiplayer you can play Chinese Checkers online with friends anywhere in the world, or anonymously without even any registration.

The game is the modern classic (about 100 years old) where the board is a six-pointed star with 10 marbles placed in each triangle, and the players aim to move their marbles across the board into the opposite triangle.

If you are reading this on a Windows 10/11 unit, open the Microsoft Store app to purchase and download the game, and start to play right away.

Rules, interface and game example.

Rule variants and anti blocking/spoiling rule used in Poet's Chinese Checkers Multiplayer.


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Poet Software